Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Forbidden Kingdom

[April, 2008, Rated PG-13]

Adam's Rating:
Brandon's Rating: 7.5/10
Ashley's Rating:

Adam's Review:

Reccomendation -

Brandon's Review:

The Forbidden Kingdom is a story about a young boy who learns about discipline, respect, and standing up for yourself from his journey through a fantasy-like martial arts world. A lot of hype has built up due to the duo of Jackie Chan and Jet Li, and a lot have been disappointed, but if you take it for what it is you will find a fun movie that the family can enjoy.
First off, the movie is very Asian. So if you don't care much for spectacularly unreal martial arts or silly antics of a monkey king you might be a bit put off. However, the fighting sequences were impressive and the story was fun. It reminded me of the older martial arts movies (which it pays homage to if you don't pick that up in the beginning of the move), kind of like The Karate Kid, but without as much heart. I won't name this one as a revolutionary film, but it is one that the family can enjoy.

Reccomendation - See it if the opportunity arrives, dollar theater might be good. I would avoid paying full ticket price if I could.

Ashley's Review:

Reccomendation -

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