Monday, May 5, 2008

Made of Honor

[Released 5/2/2008, Rated PG-13]

Adam's Rating: ***1/2
Brandon's Rating:
Ashley's Rating:

Adam's Review:

Anyone releasing a movie on the same day - or anywhere near - the release of Iron Man, is clinically insane. Nevertheless, this film was pretty good.

Most of all, this film was funny. Dang funny. The characters were unique, and their interactions enjoyable and for the most part beleivable.

To me, the often slapstick humor got in the way of the attempted genuiness of the film. Unless a film like this is really, really well made, accomplishing both good humor and genuine, touching romance is impossible. They would have done better not to try for both. The humor succeeded wildly, but the romance wasn't very genuine. The message, the heart-warming aspect was lost in the comedy. Completely drowned.

The acting was very good, with the exception of Colin. Which is a shame, because although I can't think of his name, I like that actor (he does a great job in the TV show Journeyman, which I love). His accent wasn't even consistent. But if you ignore him, the acting was great.

I felt like the beginning of the film was unneccessary. I think the film would benefit from taking the first five minutes out, and the last line about getting in bed with the wrong/right girl. Just stick to the humor.

Overall, this was a fun, light-hearted film. An enjoyable watch but nothing to blow your socks off.

Reccomendation - See it in the dollar theater, with a date / significant other / spouse. Don't spend the money at the theater just yet, and don't rent it, other than perhaps a Redbox.

Brandon's Review:

Reccomendation -

Ashley's Review:

Reccomendation -

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